Download good news bible offline window 8

Here are a few ways to download the Good News Bible (GNB) offline for Windows 8:

Method 1: Download from the Bible Society

  1. Go to the Bible Society website ( and click on "Bibles" at the top of the page.
  2. Select "Good News Bible" from the list of available translations.
  3. Click on the "Download" button next to "Good News Bible (GNB)".
  4. Choose the Windows format (e.g., EPUB, MOBI, or PDF) and click "Download".
  5. Save the file to your computer and transfer it to your Windows 8 device.

Method 2: Download from the YouVersion Bible App

  1. Download and install the YouVersion Bible App from the Windows Store.
  2. Open the app and search for "Good News Bible" in the search bar.
  3. Select the Good News Bible (GNB) translation and click "Download".
  4. The app will download the Bible text and make it available offline.

Method 3: Download from the Olive Tree Bible App

  1. Download and install the Olive Tree Bible App from the Windows Store.
  2. Open the app and search for "Good News Bible" in the search bar.
  3. Select the Good News Bible (GNB) translation and click "Download".
  4. The app will download the Bible text and make it available offline.

Method 4: Download from the e-Sword Bible Software

  1. Download and install the e-Sword Bible Software from the e-Sword website (
  2. Once installed, launch the software and click on "Add a Bible" from the main menu.
  3. Search for "Good News Bible" and select the GNB translation.
  4. Click "Download" to download the Bible text.
  5. The Bible will be added to your e-Sword library and can be accessed offline.

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of the downloaded Bible text, regardless of the method you choose.