Download gistmania news

Gistmania is a popular Nigerian news website that provides updates on current events, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. Here's how you can download Gistmania news:

Method 1: Website

  1. Open a web browser on your device (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari).
  2. Go to the Gistmania website at
  3. Browse through the various categories (e.g., News, Entertainment, Sports, Lifestyle) to find the news articles you're interested in.
  4. Click on the article you want to download.
  5. Click on the "Print" or "Download" button (usually located at the top or bottom of the article).
  6. Choose the format you want to download the article in (e.g., PDF, HTML, Text).
  7. Save the file to your device.

Method 2: Mobile App

  1. Download the Gistmania mobile app from the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or Apple App Store (for iOS devices).
  2. Open the app and browse through the various categories to find the news articles you're interested in.
  3. Tap on the article you want to download.
  4. Tap on the "Share" or "Download" button (usually located at the top or bottom of the article).
  5. Choose the format you want to download the article in (e.g., PDF, HTML, Text).
  6. Save the file to your device.

Method 3: RSS Feed

  1. Go to the Gistmania website and click on the "RSS" button (usually located at the bottom of the page).
  2. Copy the RSS feed URL.
  3. Use an RSS reader app or software (e.g., Feedly, NewsBlur, Apple News) to subscribe to the Gistmania RSS feed.
  4. The RSS reader will automatically download and organize the news articles for you.

Remember to always check the credibility and accuracy of the news sources you download, as with any online news platform.