Download elevation worship esperare en ti mp3 lyrics video nicegospel
It seems like you're looking for the song "Esperare En Ti" by Elevation Worship. Here's the information you requested:
MP3 Download: You can download the song "Esperare En Ti" by Elevation Worship from various online music stores or streaming platforms. Here are a few options:
- iTunes: Esperare En Ti - Single by Elevation Worship
- Google Play Music: Esperare En Ti - Single by Elevation Worship
- Amazon Music: Esperare En Ti - Single by Elevation Worship
Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Esperare En Ti" by Elevation Worship:
Verse 1: En el silencio, yo escucho tu voz En el vacío, yo siento tu presencia En la oscuridad, yo veo tu luz Y en la noche, yo espero en ti
Chorus: Esperare en ti, esperare en ti En ti, en ti, en ti, en ti Esperare en ti, esperare en ti En ti, en ti, en ti, en ti
Verse 2: En la tormenta, yo busco refugio En la tempestad, yo busco tu rostro En la noche, yo busco tu luz Y en la oscuridad, yo espero en ti
Chorus: Esperare en ti, esperare en ti En ti, en ti, en ti, en ti Esperare en ti, esperare en ti En ti, en ti, en ti, en ti
Video: You can watch the official music video for "Esperare En Ti" by Elevation Worship on YouTube:
Esperare En Ti - Elevation Worship (Official Music Video)
Nice Gospel: I'm assuming you're looking for a nice gospel song, and "Esperare En Ti" by Elevation Worship is a beautiful and uplifting song that fits the bill. The song is a powerful expression of faith and trust in God, and its message is sure to inspire and encourage you.