Download dynamic news pro

Dynamic News Pro is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to create a dynamic news website with ease. Here's a step-by-step guide to download and install Dynamic News Pro:

Step 1: Purchase and Download the Plugin

  1. Go to the Dynamic News Pro website ( and click on the "Buy Now" button.
  2. Choose your desired plan and complete the payment process.
  3. Once the payment is successful, you will receive an email with a download link for the plugin.

Step 2: Download the Plugin

  1. Click on the download link in the email to download the plugin.
  2. The plugin will be downloaded as a ZIP file.

Step 3: Install the Plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Plugins" tab and then click on the "Add New" button.
  3. Click on the "Upload Plugin" button and select the ZIP file you downloaded earlier.
  4. Click on the "Install Now" button to install the plugin.

Step 4: Activate the Plugin

  1. Once the plugin is installed, click on the "Activate" button to activate it.

Step 5: Configure the Plugin

  1. After activating the plugin, you will see a new menu item called "Dynamic News Pro" in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on this menu item to access the plugin's settings page.
  3. Configure the plugin settings as per your requirements, such as setting up categories, tags, and news sources.

Step 6: Start Creating News Articles

  1. Once the plugin is configured, you can start creating news articles using the built-in editor.
  2. You can add images, videos, and other media to your news articles.
  3. You can also categorize and tag your news articles to make them easily searchable.

That's it! With these steps, you should be able to download and install Dynamic News Pro on your WordPress website.