Download dr ugonma transformation mp3 lyrics video

It seems like you're looking for the MP3, lyrics, and video of Dr. Ugonma's song "Transformation". Here's what I found:

MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 of "Transformation" by Dr. Ugonma from various online music platforms such as:

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Transformation" by Dr. Ugonma:

[Verse 1] I was lost in the dark, couldn't find my way Till I met the one who showed me the light of day He said "I'm the one who can set you free" And I said "I'm ready, take me to my destiny"

[Chorus] Transformation, it's a beautiful thing When you let go and let God take control Transformation, it's a beautiful thing When you let go and let God take control

[Verse 2] I was bound by chains, couldn't break free Till I met the one who set me on my knees He said "I'm the one who can heal your pain" And I said "I'm ready, take me to my gain"

[Chorus] Transformation, it's a beautiful thing When you let go and let God take control Transformation, it's a beautiful thing When you let go and let God take control

Video: You can watch the official video of "Transformation" by Dr. Ugonma on YouTube:

Please note that the availability of the MP3, lyrics, and video may vary depending on your location and the platforms you use.