Download adekunle gold new album 2018

Adekunle Gold's new album in 2018 is "About 30". You can download it from various online music platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. iTunes: You can download "About 30" from iTunes by clicking here.
  2. Apple Music: If you have an Apple Music subscription, you can stream "About 30" directly from the Apple Music app.
  3. Google Play Music: You can download "About 30" from Google Play Music by clicking here.
  4. Amazon Music: You can download "About 30" from Amazon Music by clicking here.
  5. NaijaMusic: You can download "About 30" from NaijaMusic by clicking here.

Please note that some of these options may require you to create an account or sign in to access the download. Additionally, be sure to download from reputable sources to ensure you're getting the album legally and safely.