Dowload savage nothin new

It seems like you're looking to download the song "Savage" by Megan Thee Stallion, specifically the remix featuring Beyoncé, titled "Savage (Remix)" or "Savage Nothin' New".

Here are a few options to download or stream the song:

  1. Spotify: You can search for "Savage (Remix)" on Spotify and listen to it for free with occasional ads. If you have a premium account, you can download the song for offline listening.
  2. Apple Music: You can search for "Savage (Remix)" on Apple Music and stream it. If you have a subscription, you can download the song for offline listening.
  3. YouTube Music: You can search for "Savage (Remix)" on YouTube Music and stream it. You can also download the song as an MP3 file using a third-party converter.
  4. Amazon Music: You can search for "Savage (Remix)" on Amazon Music and stream it. If you have a subscription, you can download the song for offline listening.
  5. Google Play Music: You can search for "Savage (Remix)" on Google Play Music and stream it. If you have a subscription, you can download the song for offline listening.

Please note that some of these options might require a subscription or a one-time payment. Additionally, be sure to check the song's availability in your region before downloading.

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