Doubleclick bid manager new name

You're referring to the rebranding of DoubleClick Bid Manager!

As of July 2018, DoubleClick Bid Manager was rebranded as Google Marketing Platform (GMP). This change was part of Google's efforts to simplify its product portfolio and better align its offerings with the evolving needs of marketers.

Google Marketing Platform is a suite of products that helps marketers plan, execute, and measure their digital marketing campaigns across various channels, including search, display, video, and more. The platform includes tools such as:

  1. Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords)
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Google Tag Manager
  4. Google Marketing Platform (formerly DoubleClick Bid Manager)

The rebranding aimed to provide a more cohesive and streamlined experience for marketers, allowing them to manage their marketing efforts more effectively across multiple channels and devices.

So, to answer your question, the new name for DoubleClick Bid Manager is Google Marketing Platform!