Dota 2 new hero 2018 mars

Mars, the Terra Blade, is a new hero introduced in Dota 2 in 2018. Here's a brief overview of his abilities and playstyle:

Appearance: Mars is a celestial warrior from the planet Mars, with a suit of armor that resembles a star map. He wields a powerful sword and has a regal, authoritative presence on the battlefield.


  1. Boulder Smash (Q): Mars charges forward, dealing damage to enemies in his path and stunning them for 1.2 seconds. The stun duration increases with Mars' level.
  2. Gravity Surge (W): Mars creates a localized gravity field, slowing all enemies within its area of effect by 30% for 2.5 seconds. The slow duration increases with Mars' level.
  3. Infernal Blade (E): Mars summons a swirling blade of fire that deals damage to enemies within its area of effect. The blade also applies a 20% chance to silence enemies for 1.5 seconds.
  4. Terra Blade (R): Mars unleashes a powerful, sweeping attack that deals damage to all enemies within its area of effect. The attack also applies a 50% chance to stun enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Playstyle: Mars is a melee carry hero who excels at dealing physical damage and controlling the battlefield. He is particularly effective at taking out enemy heroes in close combat, and his abilities allow him to set up ambushes and traps for his opponents.



Overall, Mars is a formidable hero who can be a game-changer in the right hands. However, he requires a good understanding of his abilities and playstyle to be played effectively.