Dosage and routes for the new immunization schedule

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that there is no "new" immunization schedule that I'm aware of. The recommended immunization schedule is updated periodically by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to reflect new vaccines, changes in vaccine recommendations, and updates on vaccine safety and efficacy.

That being said, I can provide you with the current recommended immunization schedule for children and adults in the United States, as well as the dosage and routes for each vaccine. Please note that this information is subject to change, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children:

  1. Birth to 6 months:
    • Hepatitis B (HepB): 3 doses, 0, 1, 2 months, and 6-18 months
    • Rotavirus (RV): 2-3 doses, 2, 4, and 6 months
    • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP): 3 doses, 2, 4, and 6 months
    • Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib): 3 doses, 2, 4, and 6 months
    • Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV): 4 doses, 2, 4, 6, and 12-15 months
  2. 7-12 months:
    • Influenza (flu): 1 dose, annually
    • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): 1 dose, 12-15 months
  3. 13-18 months:
    • DTaP: 1 dose, 15-18 months
    • Hib: 1 dose, 12-15 months
    • PCV: 1 dose, 12-15 months
  4. 19-36 months:
    • Influenza (flu): 1 dose, annually
    • MMR: 1 dose, 12-15 months
  5. 4-6 years:
    • DTaP: 1 dose, 4-6 years
    • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis): 1 dose, 11-12 years
    • MMR: 1 dose, 12-15 months
    • Varicella (chickenpox): 2 doses, 12-15 months and 4-6 years
  6. 11-12 years:
    • Tdap: 1 dose
    • Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY): 1 dose
  7. 13-18 years:
    • Tdap: 1 dose
    • MenACWY: 1 dose
    • Human papillomavirus (HPV): 2-3 doses, 11-12 years
  8. 19-26 years:
    • Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY): 1 dose
    • HPV: 2-3 doses, 11-12 years
  9. 27-49 years:
    • Influenza (flu): 1 dose, annually
    • Tdap: 1 dose, every 10 years
  10. 50 years and older:
    • Influenza (flu): 1 dose, annually
    • Tdap: 1 dose, every 10 years

Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults:

  1. 18-49 years:
    • Influenza (flu): 1 dose, annually
    • Tdap: 1 dose, every 10 years
  2. 50 years and older:
    • Influenza (flu): 1 dose, annually
    • Tdap: 1 dose, every 10 years
    • Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV): 1 dose, 65 years and older
    • Shingles (herpes zoster): 2 doses, 50 years and older

Dosage and Routes:

  1. Hepatitis B (HepB): 0.5 mL, intramuscular (IM)
  2. Rotavirus (RV): 2 mL, oral
  3. Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP): 0.5 mL, IM
  4. Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib): 0.5 mL, IM
  5. Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV): 0.5 mL, IM
  6. Influenza (flu): 0.5 mL, intramuscular (IM) or 0.5 mL, intradermal (ID)
  7. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): 0.5 mL, IM
  8. Tdap: 0.5 mL, IM
  9. Meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY): 0.5 mL, IM
  10. Human papillomavirus (HPV): 0.5 mL, IM
  11. Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV): 0.5 mL, IM
  12. Shingles (herpes zoster): 0.5 mL, IM

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be additional vaccines recommended for specific populations or circumstances. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on immunizations.