Doomsday postponed the takeaway from the big new antarctica studies

I think there may be some confusion here!

There hasn't been a recent announcement about Doomsday being postponed, nor have there been any significant new studies from Antarctica that would suggest a takeaway about the end of the world.

It's possible that you may be referring to the recent scientific discoveries and findings from Antarctica, which have been making headlines in the scientific community and media. For example, there have been studies on the melting of Antarctic ice sheets, changes in ocean currents, and the discovery of new species in the region.

However, these findings do not suggest that Doomsday has been postponed. In fact, many scientists and experts continue to emphasize the urgent need for action to address climate change and its impacts on our planet, including the melting of polar ice caps.

So, to clarify, there hasn't been a postponement of Doomsday, and the takeaway from recent studies in Antarctica is more focused on the importance of understanding and addressing the impacts of climate change, rather than a delay in the end of the world!