Dont use amotekun to settle political scores oyo muslim community

I understand your concern. It's essential to maintain the integrity and neutrality of Amotekun, a security outfit established to protect lives and property in Oyo State, particularly in the face of political tensions and conflicts.

Using Amotekun to settle political scores would undermine its purpose and potentially create more problems than it solves. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Erosion of trust: If Amotekun is used to settle political scores, it may lead to a loss of trust among the people, particularly the Muslim community, in the outfit's ability to maintain impartiality and protect their rights.
  2. Polarization: Using Amotekun to target a specific political group or community could exacerbate existing political tensions and create a sense of polarization, making it more challenging to maintain peace and stability in the state.
  3. Undermining of the rule of law: Amotekun is a security outfit established to support the police and other law enforcement agencies in maintaining law and order. Using it to settle political scores would undermine the rule of law and create a culture of impunity.
  4. Negative impact on community relations: If Amotekun is used to target a specific community, it could lead to negative consequences for community relations, including increased mistrust, hostility, and even violence.

To maintain peace and stability in Oyo State, it's essential to ensure that Amotekun remains a neutral and impartial security outfit that protects all citizens, regardless of their political affiliations or religious beliefs.