Dont turn fuoye campaign ground students warns politicians

It seems like you're referring to a recent development at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: FUOYE is a federal university located in Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. The university has a large student population, and its campaign ground is a popular spot for students to gather and express themselves.

Recent Development: In recent times, some politicians have been using the FUOYE campaign ground to campaign for their political parties, which has led to concerns among students. The students are worried that the politicians are disrupting their academic activities and creating a chaotic environment on campus.

Student Protests: In response to these concerns, students of FUOYE have taken to social media to express their dissatisfaction with the situation. They have warned politicians to stay away from the campaign ground, citing the need to maintain a peaceful and conducive academic environment.

Demands: The students have made several demands, including:

  1. The politicians should respect the university's rules and regulations.
  2. The campaign ground should be used for academic purposes only.
  3. The university authorities should take steps to prevent the disruption of academic activities.

Reactions: The university authorities have responded to the students' concerns, assuring them that they will take necessary steps to maintain peace and order on campus. The politicians have also been warned to respect the university's rules and regulations.

Conclusion: The situation at FUOYE highlights the importance of maintaining a peaceful and conducive academic environment. Students have the right to express themselves, but they also have a responsibility to respect the rules and regulations of their institution. It is hoped that the university authorities and politicians will work together to find a solution that benefits all parties involved.