Dont think life perfect dolapo oni

I love that quote! "Don't think life is perfect, Dolapo Oni" is a popular Nigerian quote that has become a meme and a cultural reference point. It's often used to express the idea that life is not always easy or perfect, and that we should be realistic about its challenges.

The quote is often attributed to Dolapo Oni, a Nigerian media personality and TV host, who is said to have made the statement during an interview or a TV show. However, it's worth noting that the quote's origin is unclear, and it's possible that it was popularized through social media or online communities.

Regardless of its origin, the quote has become a relatable and humorous way to acknowledge the ups and downs of life. It's often used to express frustration, disappointment, or exasperation, and to remind ourselves that we're not alone in our struggles.

So, the next time you're feeling overwhelmed or disappointed, just remember: "Don't think life is perfect, Dolapo Oni"