Dont pour praise on man utd just for doing ok f365 show

A healthy dose of skepticism from a fan of another team!

For those who may not know, F365 stands for Football365, a popular UK-based football website and podcast. The "show" likely refers to their podcast, where they discuss the latest football news, matches, and controversies.

In this context, "doing ok" probably means that Manchester United (MUFC) had a decent performance or result, but not necessarily an outstanding one. The host or hosts of the podcast might be expressing a balanced view, acknowledging that MUFC did what was expected of them, but not necessarily exceeding expectations.

Your comment suggests that you're from a rival team, perhaps one that's been frustrated by MUFC's dominance in the past. It's natural to feel that way, especially when your team is competing against a powerhouse like Manchester United.

However, it's also important to acknowledge that MUFC has had its share of ups and downs over the years. They've had periods of dominance, but also times of struggle and transition. As a fan of another team, it's natural to feel a sense of rivalry and competition, but it's also important to respect the achievements and challenges faced by other teams, including MUFC.

So, while you might not want to pour praise on MUFC just for doing ok, it's also important to maintain a level of respect and sportsmanship in your interactions with fans of other teams. After all, football is a game, and we're all just trying to enjoy the ride!