Dont escalate crisis striking parklane doctors chide enugu govt

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a situation where doctors at Parklane Hospital in Enugu, Nigeria are expressing concerns about a crisis that has arisen and are advising the Enugu State Government to take immediate action to address the issue.

Here's a possible summary:

Headline: "Parklane Doctors Chide Enugu Govt Over Crisis at Hospital"

Summary: The doctors at Parklane Hospital in Enugu have expressed deep concern over the crisis that has engulfed the hospital, calling on the Enugu State Government to take immediate action to address the situation. The doctors, in a statement, accused the government of neglecting the hospital, leading to the current crisis. They urged the government to provide the necessary resources and support to enable the hospital to function effectively and provide quality healthcare services to the people of Enugu State.

Key points:

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