Dont detain our cargo over freight forwarders failure to pay pof shippers

A common issue in international trade!

Here's a possible response:

Subject: Urgent: Release of Cargo Held Due to Freight Forwarder's Failure to Pay

Dear [Port/Customs Authority],

We are writing to request the immediate release of our cargo, [Cargo Details], which has been detained at your facility due to the freight forwarder's failure to pay the Port of Origin (POF) charges.

As the shipper, we have fulfilled our obligations and paid all necessary fees for the transportation of our goods. However, the freight forwarder has failed to settle the POF charges, resulting in the detention of our cargo.

We kindly request that you release our cargo immediately, as the delay is causing significant inconvenience and financial losses to our business. We are willing to work with you to resolve this issue and ensure that the freight forwarder is held accountable for their failure to pay.

To facilitate the release of our cargo, we are prepared to provide any necessary documentation, including:

  1. Proof of payment for the transportation of our goods
  2. Evidence of the freight forwarder's failure to pay the POF charges
  3. Any other relevant documentation required by your authority

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to resolving this issue as soon as possible.

Please confirm receipt of this email and let us know the next steps to take.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information]