Dont be intimidated by lecturers wdu vc tells students

A great message!

In a recent article, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town (UCT), Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng, addressed students and encouraged them not to be intimidated by lecturers. Here's a summary of her message:

Don't be afraid to ask questions: Professor Phakeng emphasized that it's okay to ask questions, even if you think they're silly or obvious. She encouraged students to seek clarification and understanding, as this is an essential part of the learning process.

Lecturers are there to help: The Vice-Chancellor reminded students that lecturers are not there to intimidate or belittle them, but to guide and support them in their academic journey. She encouraged students to approach lecturers with respect and openness, and to seek help when needed.

It's okay to make mistakes: Professor Phakeng acknowledged that everyone makes mistakes, including lecturers. She encouraged students to learn from their mistakes and to use them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Your voice matters: The Vice-Chancellor emphasized that students' voices and opinions are valuable and important. She encouraged students to speak up, share their thoughts, and participate in discussions, even if they feel nervous or uncertain.

You are not alone: Professor Phakeng reminded students that they are part of a community of learners, and that they are not alone in their academic journey. She encouraged students to support and learn from one another, and to seek help from peers and mentors when needed.

Overall, Professor Phakeng's message is one of empowerment and encouragement. She reminds students that they have the right to ask questions, seek help, and learn from their mistakes, and that their voices and opinions matter.