Donnie yen new movie 2018

Donnie Yen has starred in several movies in 2018. Here are a few of them:

  1. IP Man 4: The Finale (2019) - Although released in 2019, the movie was filmed in 2018 and marks the final installment in the IP Man franchise.
  2. The Monkey King 3 (2018) - A fantasy adventure film based on the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West".
  3. Enter the Fat Dragon (2018) - A martial arts comedy film where Donnie Yen plays a former police officer who becomes a chef.
  4. The Rescue (2018) - An action-thriller film about a group of divers who embark on a rescue mission to save a group of people trapped in a cave.

Please note that the release dates may vary depending on your region.