Donna brazile news

Donna Brazile is an American political consultant, strategist, and author who has been involved in several high-profile political campaigns and controversies. Here are some recent news stories and updates about Donna Brazile:

  1. FBI Investigation: In 2017, Brazile was involved in a controversy surrounding the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, when she was accused of trying to help Hillary Clinton win the nomination by changing the debate schedule. The FBI launched an investigation into the matter, but ultimately found no evidence of wrongdoing.
  2. Book Controversy: In 2018, Brazile published a book titled "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Defenses Against Russian Cyberhacking That Nearly Changed the 2016 Election." The book sparked controversy when Brazile claimed that the Clinton campaign had rigged the primary process against Bernie Sanders. Brazile later apologized for her comments.
  3. CNN Controversy: In 2018, Brazile was fired from her job as a CNN contributor after it was revealed that she had shared debate questions with the Clinton campaign during the 2016 primary. Brazile denied any wrongdoing, but the controversy led to her departure from the network.
  4. Democratic Party Controversy: In 2019, Brazile was accused of trying to undermine the Democratic Party's primary process by secretly working with the Clinton campaign to undermine Bernie Sanders' candidacy. Brazile denied the allegations, but the controversy led to calls for her resignation from the Democratic National Committee.
  5. Trump Criticism: Brazile has been a vocal critic of President Donald Trump, and has spoken out against his policies and actions. In 2020, she was one of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention, where she delivered a speech criticizing Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. Book Tour: In 2020, Brazile embarked on a book tour to promote her latest book, "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Defenses Against Russian Cyberhacking That Nearly Changed the 2016 Election." The book tour was marked by controversy, with some critics accusing Brazile of trying to profit from her involvement in the 2016 election.
  7. Podcast: In 2020, Brazile launched a podcast called "The Brazile Brief," where she discusses politics and current events with guests from the world of politics and journalism.

These are just a few of the recent news stories and updates about Donna Brazile. As a prominent figure in American politics, Brazile is often in the news and is known for her outspoken views on politics and current events.