Donna brazile fox news salary

Donna Brazile, a former Democratic strategist and CNN contributor, has been a frequent guest on Fox News, but she is not a full-time employee of the network. As such, she does not have a salary from Fox News.

However, according to her own account, Brazile has been paid for her appearances on Fox News as a contributor. In 2019, she revealed on her podcast that she had been paid $100,000 for her appearances on the network.

It's worth noting that Brazile has been a vocal critic of Fox News and has accused the network of spreading misinformation and promoting conspiracy theories. Despite this, she has continued to appear on the network as a guest and contributor, sparking controversy among some of her fellow Democrats.

Here is a breakdown of Brazile's reported compensation from Fox News:

It's important to note that these figures are based on Brazile's own account and may not reflect her current compensation from Fox News, if any.