Donegan mary pii_email_3fe099d88affff2019c0 payroll manager bronx new york

It seems like you're trying to find information about Mary Donegan, a Payroll Manager from Bronx, New York. Here's what I could find:

Name: Mary Donegan Title: Payroll Manager Location: Bronx, New York

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific information about Mary Donegan's current or past work experience, education, or contact details. Payroll Manager is a common title, and there might be multiple individuals with the same name and title.

If you're looking to get in touch with Mary Donegan or want to know more about her professional background, you might want to try the following:

  1. LinkedIn: Check if Mary Donegan has a LinkedIn profile. You can search for her name and title to see if she has a profile.
  2. Professional networks: Reach out to your professional networks, such as colleagues, friends, or acquaintances who might know Mary Donegan or have connections to her.
  3. Company directories: Look up company directories, such as Crunchbase, ZoomInfo, or Datanyze, to see if Mary Donegan is listed as a Payroll Manager at a company in Bronx, New York.
  4. Social media: Try searching for Mary Donegan on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to see if she has a public profile.

Remember to respect Mary Donegan's privacy and only use publicly available information. If you need more specific information, you might want to consider reaching out to her directly or through a mutual connection.