Donald trump spars with reporters at rare news conference #

It sounds like you're referring to a recent news conference where Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, engaged in a lively exchange with reporters. Here's a summary of the event:

On July 11, 2019, President Trump held a rare news conference at the White House, where he faced a barrage of questions from reporters on various topics, including his administration's policies, his personal life, and his interactions with foreign leaders.

The conference was marked by a series of testy exchanges between Trump and the press corps, with the President frequently interrupting and disputing the accuracy of the questions and answers. Trump also used the opportunity to tout his administration's accomplishments and to attack his political opponents.

Some of the notable moments from the conference included:

  1. Trump's response to a question about his former lawyer Michael Cohen's testimony before Congress, during which Cohen implicated Trump in campaign finance violations. Trump denied any wrongdoing and claimed that Cohen was a "liar" and a "rat."
  2. A heated exchange with CNN's Jim Acosta, who asked Trump about his administration's handling of the situation in Venezuela. Trump accused Acosta of being "fake news" and told him to "sit down" before moving on to another reporter.
  3. Trump's response to a question about his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, during which he claimed that he and Putin had a "good relationship" and that the two leaders had discussed the possibility of a summit meeting.

Overall, the news conference was marked by a sense of tension and hostility between Trump and the press corps, with many reporters expressing frustration and disappointment at the President's refusal to answer their questions directly and honestly.