Donald trump profile new yorker

You're referring to the infamous 2004 profile of Donald Trump by Jane Mayer in The New Yorker magazine. The article, titled "The Art of the Deal: Donald Trump's Chaotic Presidency," was published on September 27, 2016, just before the presidential election.

Here are some key quotes and takeaways from the profile:

Trump's Business Empire

Mayer describes Trump's business empire as "a sprawling, debt-ridden, and often chaotic enterprise" that has been built on a foundation of "leveraged buyouts, bankruptcies, and questionable deals." She notes that Trump has been involved in over 500 lawsuits, many of which have been filed against him or his companies.

Trump's Personality

Mayer portrays Trump as a "self-aggrandizing, attention-seeking, and often cruel" individual who is driven by a desire for power and prestige. She notes that Trump has a "tendency to be vindictive" and that he has a "long history of making false or misleading statements."

Trump's Relationships

Mayer explores Trump's relationships with various figures, including his wife Melania, his children, and his business partners. She notes that Trump has a "tendency to be overly critical" of those around him and that he has a "history of exploiting and manipulating those who are weaker or more vulnerable."

Trump's Political Ambitions

Mayer suggests that Trump's political ambitions are driven by a desire for "personal validation" and a need to "prove himself" as a successful businessman. She notes that Trump has a "limited understanding of politics" and that his political views are often "incoherent" and "self-serving."

Trump's Impact on Politics

Mayer argues that Trump's presidency has had a "devastating" impact on American politics, citing his "constant lying," "racist and xenophobic rhetoric," and "disregard for the truth." She notes that Trump's presidency has also had a " corrosive effect" on the Republican Party and that his behavior has "emboldened" white nationalists and other extremist groups.

Overall, Mayer's profile presents a nuanced and critical portrait of Donald Trump, highlighting his flaws and weaknesses as a businessman, politician, and human being.