Donald trump policy as a new pesident

As a hypothetical scenario, here are some potential policies that Donald Trump might have implemented as a new President of the United States:

Economy and Jobs

  1. Tax Cuts: Trump promised to cut taxes for individuals and businesses, which he believed would stimulate economic growth and create jobs.
  2. Deregulation: Trump aimed to reduce regulations on businesses, particularly in industries like energy, finance, and healthcare, to increase efficiency and job creation.
  3. Infrastructure Spending: Trump proposed a massive infrastructure spending plan to improve roads, bridges, and other public works projects, which he believed would create jobs and stimulate economic growth.


  1. Build the Wall: Trump campaigned on building a wall along the US-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigration and stem the flow of drugs.
  2. Immigration Reform: Trump promised to reform the US immigration system, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, but with stricter requirements and enforcement.
  3. Travel Ban: Trump issued an executive order banning travel from several predominantly Muslim countries, citing national security concerns.


  1. Repeal and Replace Obamacare: Trump promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and replace it with a new healthcare system that would provide more choices and lower costs for individuals and businesses.
  2. Medicare and Medicaid Reform: Trump aimed to reform Medicare and Medicaid to reduce costs and improve efficiency, potentially by introducing premium support models.

Foreign Policy

  1. Withdraw from International Agreements: Trump promised to withdraw from international agreements like the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran Nuclear Deal, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
  2. Isolate China: Trump aimed to reduce the US trade deficit with China by imposing tariffs and other trade restrictions, and to challenge China's economic and military rise.
  3. Increase Military Spending: Trump promised to increase military spending to modernize the US military and protect American interests abroad.


  1. Withdraw from Paris Climate Accord: Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Climate Accord, citing concerns about the agreement's impact on the US economy and energy industry.
  2. Roll back Environmental Regulations: Trump aimed to roll back environmental regulations, such as those related to climate change, clean air and water, and endangered species.
  3. Promote Fossil Fuels: Trump promoted the development of fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, and aimed to increase US energy production.


  1. School Choice: Trump supported school choice initiatives, such as vouchers and charter schools, to increase competition and improve educational outcomes.
  2. Voucher Program: Trump proposed a voucher program to allow low-income students to attend private schools.
  3. Teacher Evaluations: Trump aimed to reform teacher evaluations to focus more on student performance and less on seniority and tenure.

Other Policies

  1. Criminal Justice Reform: Trump supported criminal justice reform efforts, including sentencing reform and reducing the number of people in prison.
  2. Gun Rights: Trump supported gun rights, including the Second Amendment, and opposed stricter gun control measures.
  3. Abortion: Trump was anti-abortion and aimed to restrict access to abortion services, particularly through the appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

Please note that these are hypothetical policies and may not reflect the actual policies that Trump implemented during his presidency.