Donald trump news today washington post

Here are the latest news articles about Donald Trump from The Washington Post:

Top Stories

  1. Trump's lawyers argue he should be immune from criminal charges: In a court filing, Trump's lawyers argued that the former president is immune from criminal charges because he was acting in his official capacity as president when he allegedly committed crimes. (The Washington Post)
  2. Trump's tax returns are under scrutiny by the Justice Department: The Justice Department is reviewing Trump's tax returns as part of an investigation into whether he or his associates violated campaign finance laws. (The Washington Post)
  3. Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen testifies before Congress: Cohen, who pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, testified before the House Oversight Committee about his experiences working for Trump and the president's alleged wrongdoing. (The Washington Post)


  1. Trump's approval rating hits new low: A new poll shows that Trump's approval rating has hit a new low, with only 34% of Americans approving of his job performance. (The Washington Post)
  2. Trump's trade war with China takes a toll on the economy: The trade war between the US and China has led to a decline in US exports and a rise in prices for American consumers. (The Washington Post)
  3. Trump's administration is considering a new rule to limit asylum seekers: The administration is considering a new rule that would limit the ability of asylum seekers to enter the US and seek protection. (The Washington Post)


  1. House Democrats are considering articles of impeachment against Trump: House Democrats are considering articles of impeachment against Trump, citing his alleged abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. (The Washington Post)
  2. Trump's lawyers argue that the impeachment inquiry is unconstitutional: Trump's lawyers argue that the impeachment inquiry is unconstitutional because it was not authorized by Congress. (The Washington Post)
  3. Trump's allies are trying to discredit the impeachment inquiry: Trump's allies are trying to discredit the impeachment inquiry by claiming that it is a partisan witch hunt. (The Washington Post)

Other News

  1. Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is under investigation: Giuliani is under investigation for his role in Ukraine and his alleged efforts to pressure the government to investigate Trump's political rivals. (The Washington Post)
  2. Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton is writing a book: Bolton is writing a book about his time in the Trump administration, which is expected to be critical of the president. (The Washington Post)
  3. Trump's administration is considering a new rule to limit access to healthcare: The administration is considering a new rule that would limit access to healthcare for low-income Americans. (The Washington Post)

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current news landscape.