Donald trump news today new york times

Here are the latest news articles about Donald Trump from The New York Times:

Top Stories

  1. Trump's Tax Returns: The New York Times Obtains 20 Years of His Tax Information (March 2022) The Times obtained 20 years of Donald Trump's tax returns, revealing that he paid little to no federal income taxes for several years and that he claimed massive losses on his taxes.
  2. Trump's Jan. 6th Remarks: 'I Know Nothing About' Riot, He Tells Fox News (March 2022) In an interview with Fox News, Trump denied any knowledge of the January 6th riot at the US Capitol, despite evidence to the contrary.
  3. Trump's Legal Team Asks Judge to Dismiss Lawsuit Over Jan. 6th Riot (March 2022) Trump's legal team has asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the House of Representatives, which accuses Trump of inciting the January 6th riot.

Recent Articles

  1. Trump's Election Lies: A Timeline of His False Claims (March 2022) The Times has compiled a timeline of Trump's false claims about the 2020 presidential election, which have been repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers and election officials.
  2. Trump's Business Empire: A Look at His Companies and Investments (March 2022) The Times has compiled a list of Trump's companies and investments, including his golf courses, hotels, and other business ventures.
  3. Trump's Post-Presidency: What He's Been Up to Since Leaving Office (March 2022) The Times has reported on Trump's activities since leaving office, including his efforts to promote his brand and his involvement in various legal battles.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. The Trump Legacy: A Mixed Bag of Accomplishments and Failures (March 2022) The Times' editorial board weighs in on Trump's presidency, arguing that while he achieved some notable successes, his overall legacy is marred by his divisive rhetoric and lack of accountability.
  2. The Trump Era: A Time of Great Uncertainty and Division (March 2022) The Times' columnist, Frank Bruni, reflects on the Trump era, arguing that it was marked by a deepening of political divisions and a decline in civic discourse.
  3. The Future of the Republican Party: Can It Move On from Trump? (March 2022) The Times' columnist, David Brooks, argues that the Republican Party must move beyond Trump's divisive politics and focus on building a more inclusive and compassionate agenda.

Please note that these articles are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. You can visit The New York Times website for the latest news and analysis on Donald Trump.