Donald trump fake news

The infamous "fake news" phrase!

Donald Trump's use of the term "fake news" has become a hallmark of his presidency and a source of controversy. Here's a brief overview:

What is "fake news"?

Trump's definition of "fake news" is somewhat ambiguous, but it generally refers to news stories or reports that he disagrees with or perceives as inaccurate, biased, or misleading. He often uses the term to describe news outlets that criticize him, his administration, or his policies.

The origins of "fake news"

Trump's use of the term "fake news" gained widespread attention during his 2016 presidential campaign. He frequently used it to describe news stories that he believed were false or misleading, often targeting mainstream news organizations like CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

The impact of "fake news"

Trump's "fake news" rhetoric has had several consequences:

  1. Erosion of trust in the media: Trump's attacks on the media have contributed to a decline in public trust in news organizations. A 2019 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 62% of Americans believed that the media was "partisan" or "biased," up from 47% in 2016.
  2. Disinformation and misinformation: Trump's use of "fake news" has sometimes been used to spread disinformation and misinformation. This has led to confusion and mistrust among the public, making it harder to distinguish fact from fiction.
  3. Chilling effect on journalism: The "fake news" label has been used to intimidate or silence journalists who report on Trump's administration or policies. This has created a chilling effect on investigative journalism and has led to self-censorship among some news organizations.
  4. Normalization of disinformation: Trump's "fake news" rhetoric has contributed to the normalization of disinformation and the blurring of lines between fact and fiction. This has had far-reaching consequences, including the spread of conspiracy theories and the erosion of trust in institutions.

Criticism and pushback

Many experts, journalists, and politicians have criticized Trump's use of "fake news" as a way to discredit and silence the media. They argue that it undermines the integrity of journalism, erodes trust in institutions, and promotes disinformation.

In response, many news organizations have pushed back against Trump's "fake news" label, using fact-checking and verification processes to ensure the accuracy of their reporting. Some have also launched initiatives to promote media literacy and combat disinformation.


Donald Trump's "fake news" rhetoric has had significant consequences for the media, journalism, and society as a whole. While it may have been a successful political tactic for Trump, it has also contributed to the erosion of trust in institutions, the spread of disinformation, and the normalization of fake news.