Donald trump accuses obama of information leak

I think you may be referring to a specific incident that occurred in 2017. On March 4, 2017, President Donald Trump tweeted that former President Barack Obama was responsible for a "Nazi" and "sick" leak of information about Trump's phone calls with foreign leaders. Trump claimed that Obama had "wiretapped" him, which was later debunked by the FBI and other intelligence agencies.

The controversy began when Trump accused Obama of ordering the wiretapping of Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump made the claim without providing any evidence, and it was widely criticized by lawmakers from both parties, including many Republicans.

The FBI and the Department of Justice investigated Trump's claims and found no evidence to support them. The House Intelligence Committee also conducted an investigation and concluded that there was no evidence of wiretapping.

In response to Trump's accusations, Obama's spokesman, Kevin Lewis, issued a statement denying that Obama had ordered any wiretapping. Lewis said that Obama had never ordered any surveillance on Trump or any other political opponent.

The controversy surrounding Trump's claims of wiretapping led to a number of investigations and inquiries, including a special counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller. Mueller's investigation found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and it did not find any evidence to support Trump's claims of wiretapping.

It's worth noting that Trump's accusations of wiretapping were widely seen as an attempt to distract from the controversy surrounding his campaign's ties to Russia, and many experts have argued that the claims were unfounded and potentially illegal.