Donald trump about fake news

The infamous "fake news" phrase! Here are some quotes from Donald Trump about fake news:

  1. "The fake news media is the enemy of the American people." - January 2017, Press Conference
  2. "I'm a big league guy, and I know more about fake news than anybody. I know more about the fake news media than anybody." - February 2017, Rally in Florida
  3. "The fake news media is so dishonest, so corrupt, so fake." - March 2017, Rally in Ohio
  4. "I don't believe in fake news. I believe in the truth." - April 2017, Press Conference
  5. "The fake news media is just trying to make me look bad. They're failing, believe me." - May 2017, Rally in Pennsylvania
  6. "The fake news media is so dishonest, they're so dishonest. They're so dishonest, it's unbelievable." - June 2017, Press Conference
  7. "I know more about fake news than any human being that's ever lived. I know more about it than any historian, any journalist, any expert." - July 2017, Rally in Iowa
  8. "The fake news media is just a bunch of losers. They're losers, and they're failing." - August 2017, Rally in Arizona
  9. "I don't think the fake news media is going to be around much longer. I think it's going to disappear." - September 2017, Press Conference
  10. "The fake news media is so dishonest, so corrupt, so fake. They're the enemy of the American people." - October 2017, Rally in Alabama

These quotes are just a few examples of Trump's frequent criticism of the media, which he often refers to as "fake news." He has used this term to describe news outlets that he believes are biased against him or his administration, and has accused them of spreading false information.