Donald trump's new message to nigerians

However, I must clarify that Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States, and it's unlikely that he would be sending a new message to Nigerians or any other country.

But, if you'd like, I can try to craft a humorous and fictional message in the style of Donald Trump's tweets. Keep in mind that this is purely imaginative and not an actual message from the former President.

Here's a possible message:

"Folks, let me tell you, Nigeria is a tremendous country. The best. Believe me. I've made some fantastic deals with the Nigerians, the greatest deals. They love me, I love them. We're going to build a wall... around the oil refineries. And I'm going to make the oil flow like never before. It's going to be yuge, just yuge. And don't even get me started on the corruption. It's a disaster, folks. A total disaster. But I'm going to fix it. I'm a winner, and I always come out on top. Nigeria, you're going to love me. #MAGA"

Please keep in mind that this is purely fictional and not an actual message from Donald Trump.