Donald trump's new english word

You're referring to the infamous "covfefe"!

In May 2017, Donald Trump tweeted a mysterious phrase "covfefe" that sparked widespread confusion and amusement. The tweet read: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe."

The tweet was met with a mix of reactions, ranging from amusement to concern. Many people speculated that it was a typo or a made-up word, while others tried to decipher its meaning.

The incident became a meme and a cultural phenomenon, with many people using the word in humorous contexts. The term "covfefe" even made it into the Oxford English Dictionary, which defined it as "a nonsense word or phrase, typically used to describe something that is unclear or confusing."

In an interview with CNN, Trump's then-press secretary, Sean Spicer, attempted to explain the meaning of "covfefe," saying it was a "typo" and that the President meant to type "coverage." However, Trump himself never explicitly clarified the meaning of the word.

Despite the controversy, "covfefe" has become a lasting part of internet culture and a symbol of the unpredictable nature of Trump's social media presence.