Don jazzy new studio

You're referring to the new studio of Don Jazzy, the Nigerian music producer and CEO of Mavin Records!

Don Jazzy recently unveiled his new state-of-the-art studio, which is located in Lagos, Nigeria. The studio is equipped with top-notch equipment and technology, and is designed to provide a comfortable and inspiring environment for artists to create music.

The studio is called "Mavin Studios" and it's a 5,000 square feet facility that features a control room, a live room, and a vocal booth. It's equipped with a range of equipment, including Neve and SSL consoles, Pro Tools HD, and a vast collection of microphones, preamps, and outboard gear.

Don Jazzy has been sharing updates about the studio on his social media accounts, and it looks like it's going to be a game-changer for the music industry in Nigeria and beyond. He's already started working on new projects with some of the biggest names in Nigerian music, and the studio is expected to be a hub for creative collaboration and innovation.

Here are some photos of the studio:

[Image description: A photo of the Mavin Studios control room, with a Neve console and a range of equipment and instruments. The room is well-lit and has a modern, sleek design.]

[Image description: A photo of the Mavin Studios live room, with a range of instruments and equipment set up. The room has a high ceiling and large windows, and looks like a great space for recording and rehearsing.]

[Image description: A photo of Don Jazzy in the Mavin Studios control room, surrounded by equipment and instruments. He's smiling and looking focused, and has a pair of headphones on.]

Overall, the new Mavin Studios is an exciting development for the music industry in Nigeria, and we can't wait to see what kind of amazing music comes out of it!