Don brown new book

Don Brown is a popular author of children's books, particularly known for his "D is for Dinosaur" series. Here are some of his recent and upcoming books:

  1. "D is for Dinosaur" series: This series is a collection of alphabet books that feature dinosaurs in alphabetical order. The series includes books like "D is for Dinosaur", "E is for Eel", "F is for Fish", and many more.
  2. "The Great Dinosaur Mystery": This book is part of the "D is for Dinosaur" series and explores the mystery of the dinosaurs' extinction.
  3. "The Dinosaur Dig": This book is another part of the "D is for Dinosaur" series and follows a group of paleontologists as they dig for dinosaur fossils.
  4. "The Dinosaur Dictionary": This book is a comprehensive dictionary of dinosaurs, featuring over 100 different species.
  5. "The Dinosaur Encyclopedia": This book is an encyclopedia of dinosaurs, featuring detailed information on over 200 different species.

As for upcoming books, Don Brown has not announced any new titles recently. However, he is known to release new books regularly, so it's possible that he may have new titles in the works.

If you're interested in staying up-to-date with Don Brown's latest books, I recommend following him on social media or signing up for his newsletter.