Don't put old wine in new wineskins

A great reference to the Bible!

The phrase "don't put old wine in new wineskins" is a metaphorical expression that comes from Matthew 9:17 and Mark 2:22. It is a teaching of Jesus Christ, and it means that you shouldn't try to preserve or maintain old, outdated, or worn-out things (the "old wine") by putting them into new, fresh, or innovative containers (the "new wineskins").

In the context of the Bible, Jesus was teaching about the importance of spiritual renewal and transformation. He was saying that just as old wine can spoil or become bitter if put into new wineskins, so too can old, outdated, or worn-out spiritual practices, traditions, or ways of thinking become stale or even corrupt if we try to preserve them in new, fresh, or innovative contexts.

In other words, Jesus was encouraging his followers to let go of the old and embrace the new, to be open to change and transformation, and to allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives, just as a new wineskin can hold new wine without spoiling it.

This teaching has been applied in many areas of life, including:

  1. Spiritual growth: Don't try to preserve old, outdated spiritual practices or traditions; instead, be open to new ways of experiencing God and growing in your faith.
  2. Personal growth: Don't try to hold onto old, worn-out habits or ways of thinking; instead, be open to new experiences, perspectives, and personal growth.
  3. Leadership: Don't try to preserve old, outdated leadership styles or methods; instead, be open to new approaches and innovative leadership.
  4. Ministry: Don't try to preserve old, outdated ministry models or programs; instead, be open to new ways of reaching people and sharing the Gospel.

Overall, the phrase "don't put old wine in new wineskins" is a reminder to be open to change, transformation, and innovation, and to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, just as a new wineskin can hold new wine without spoiling it.