Dollar exchange rate to naira news today

Here are the latest dollar to naira exchange rate news and updates for today:

Current Exchange Rate:

As of today, the exchange rate between the US Dollar (USD) and the Nigerian Naira (NGN) is:

1 USD = 415 NGN (approximately)

Black Market Rate:

The black market rate, also known as the parallel market rate, is usually higher than the official rate. As of today, the black market rate is:

1 USD = 450-460 NGN (approximately)

Official Rate:

The official exchange rate, also known as the interbank rate, is set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). As of today, the official rate is:

1 USD = 410 NGN (approximately)

News and Updates:

Here are some recent news and updates that may affect the exchange rate:


Here are some forecasts from various sources:

Please note that these forecasts are subject to change and may not reflect the actual exchange rate. It's always a good idea to check with a reliable currency exchange service or a financial institution for the latest exchange rate information.