Dollah vexed by pahang players difficulties

It seems like you're referring to a situation where Dollah Salleh, a Malaysian football coach, is frustrated with the difficulties faced by the Pahang players.

Dollah Salleh is a well-known Malaysian football coach who has managed several teams in the Malaysian football league, including Pahang. He is known for his tactical acumen and ability to get the best out of his players.

Pahang is a team that has been struggling in recent years, and it's not uncommon for teams to face difficulties in the Malaysian football league. The league is highly competitive, and teams often face challenges in terms of player recruitment, team chemistry, and game strategy.

As a coach, Dollah Salleh would likely be frustrated with the difficulties faced by his players, including Pahang's struggles to score goals, concede fewer goals, and maintain consistency throughout the season. He may also be concerned about the team's lack of depth and the injuries to key players.

Despite these challenges, Dollah Salleh would likely be working hard to identify solutions and implement strategies to improve the team's performance. He may be focusing on building team morale, improving player fitness, and developing a more effective game plan.

Overall, it's not uncommon for coaches to face difficulties and frustrations during their tenure, and Dollah Salleh is no exception. However, his experience and expertise would likely help him to navigate these challenges and find ways to improve the team's performance.