Doing aqeeqah for new born after 14days in islam

Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

In Islam, Aqeeqah is a sunnah (recommended) act of worship that involves sacrificing an animal, usually a sheep or goat, to celebrate the birth of a child. The purpose of Aqeeqah is to express gratitude to Allah for the blessing of a new life and to seek His blessings and mercy for the child.

In your case, you're asking about performing Aqeeqah for your newborn after 14 days. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  1. Timing: The recommended time for performing Aqeeqah is during the first seven days after birth, as this is considered a blessed period. However, it is still permissible to perform Aqeeqah after 14 days, as you're planning to do.
  2. Animal selection: Choose an animal that is suitable for sacrifice, such as a sheep, goat, or cow. The animal should be healthy and free of any defects.
  3. Slaughter: The animal should be slaughtered in a halal manner, with the intention of Aqeeqah and the name of Allah (SWT) mentioned during the slaughter.
  4. Distribution of meat: The meat from the sacrificed animal should be distributed among the poor, needy, and relatives, as a way of sharing the blessings with others.
  5. Intention: It's essential to have the intention of Aqeeqah when performing the sacrifice. You can say a prayer like: "Bismillah, wa 'ala millati Rasoolillah" (In the name of Allah, and upon the way of the Messenger of Allah).

Some additional tips to keep in mind:

May Allah bless your new baby and your family, and may your Aqeeqah be accepted as a means of seeking His mercy and blessings.