Doi paper breaker

You're looking for a paper breaker, also known as a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) resolver!

A paper breaker is a tool that helps you find the full text of a research paper or article given its Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Here are a few options:

  1. Crossref: Crossref is a popular DOI resolver that allows you to search for papers by DOI, author, title, or journal. You can access it at
  2. The official DOI registry,, also allows you to search for papers by DOI. You can access it at
  3. Google Scholar: Google Scholar is a great resource for finding research papers, including those with DOIs. You can search for papers by author, title, or DOI, and it will often provide a link to the full text.
  4. Unpaywall: Unpaywall is a browser extension and website that helps you find open-access versions of research papers, including those with DOIs. You can access it at
  5. Papers with Code: Papers with Code is a platform that allows you to search for research papers by DOI, author, or title, and also provides access to the code and data associated with the paper.

Remember to always check the copyright and licensing terms before accessing or sharing research papers.