Doi breaker

A "DOI breaker" is a term used in the context of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and is a type of error that can occur when trying to resolve a DOI.

A DOI is a unique identifier assigned to a digital object, such as a journal article, book, or dataset, to provide a persistent link to its location on the internet. When you try to resolve a DOI, you are essentially asking the DOI system to redirect you to the location of the digital object.

A DOI breaker is an error that occurs when the DOI system is unable to resolve the DOI, typically due to one of the following reasons:

  1. DOI not found: The DOI does not exist or is not registered in the DOI system.
  2. DOI invalid: The DOI is malformed or contains errors, making it impossible to resolve.
  3. DOI retired: The DOI has been retired, meaning it is no longer valid or has been replaced by a new DOI.
  4. DOI system maintenance: The DOI system is undergoing maintenance or is temporarily unavailable, preventing resolution of the DOI.

When a DOI breaker occurs, you may see an error message indicating that the DOI cannot be resolved. This can be frustrating, especially if you were trying to access a specific digital object.

To resolve a DOI breaker, you can try the following:

  1. Check the DOI: Verify that the DOI is correct and properly formatted.
  2. Search for alternative DOIs: If the DOI is retired or invalid, search for alternative DOIs that may point to the same digital object.
  3. Contact the publisher or repository: Reach out to the publisher or repository that issued the DOI to see if they can provide an alternative way to access the digital object.
  4. Try a different DOI resolver: Use a different DOI resolver or service to see if it can resolve the DOI.