Does the new wordpress 5.2.2 update correct database tables

According to the WordPress 5.2.2 release notes, the update includes several database-related changes and fixes. Here are a few relevant points:

  1. Database table updates: The update includes a few database table updates to ensure compatibility with future versions of WordPress. Specifically, it updates the wp_options table to use the utf8mb4 character set, which is a more modern and compatible character set.
  2. wp_commentmeta table: The update fixes a bug that caused the wp_commentmeta table to become corrupted in some cases. This should help prevent issues with comment metadata.
  3. wp_term_relationships table: The update fixes a bug that caused the wp_term_relationships table to become corrupted in some cases. This should help prevent issues with term relationships.
  4. wp_posts table: The update includes a fix for a bug that caused the wp_posts table to become corrupted in some cases. This should help prevent issues with post data.

In general, the WordPress 5.2.2 update should not significantly alter the existing database tables or data. However, if you have any custom plugins or themes that rely on specific database table structures or data, you may want to review the update notes and test your site thoroughly after updating to ensure everything is working as expected.

It's also worth noting that WordPress's database updates are typically designed to be backward compatible, meaning that they should not cause issues with existing data or plugins. However, it's always a good idea to back up your database and site files before updating to a new version of WordPress, just in case.