Does spanish super cup games count as new season games

In Spanish football, the Supercopa de España (Spanish Super Cup) is a annual tournament played between the winners of the La Liga and the Copa del Rey. While it's a competitive match, it's not considered a part of the regular season.

The Supercopa de España is typically played in August, shortly after the start of the new season, and is considered a separate competition from the La Liga and Copa del Rey. The teams that participate in the Supercopa de España are the winners of the previous season's La Liga and Copa del Rey, as well as the current season's La Liga and Copa del Rey winners.

So, to answer your question, Supercopa de España games do not count as new season games in the sense that they are not part of the regular season schedule. They are a separate competition with its own schedule and format.

However, it's worth noting that some teams may use the Supercopa de España as a way to prepare for the upcoming season, and the games can have an impact on the teams' preseason preparations and roster decisions.