Does schedule annotation create new threads in java ee

In Java EE, when you use the @Schedule annotation to schedule a method to run at a specific time or interval, it does not create a new thread directly. Instead, it uses a thread pool to execute the scheduled method.

The thread pool is managed by the Java EE container, such as Apache Tomcat or WildFly. The container creates a pool of threads, and when a scheduled method is triggered, it is executed by one of these threads.

Here's what happens under the hood:

  1. When you annotate a method with @Schedule, the Java EE container registers the method as a scheduled task.
  2. The container creates a thread pool, which is a pool of threads that can be used to execute tasks.
  3. When the scheduled method is triggered, the container takes a thread from the pool and executes the method on that thread.
  4. The thread is released back to the pool after the method completes.

Using a thread pool has several benefits, including:

In summary, @Schedule annotation does not create a new thread directly. Instead, it uses a thread pool managed by the Java EE container to execute scheduled methods.