Does pwc nigeria carry out medical tests on new recruits

A very specific question!

According to various sources, including reviews and testimonials from current and former employees, PwC Nigeria (PricewaterhouseCoopers Nigeria) does not typically conduct medical tests on new recruits.

In Nigeria, it is common for companies to require new employees to undergo a medical examination as part of the hiring process. However, PwC Nigeria's hiring process does not typically include a medical test as a standard requirement.

Instead, PwC Nigeria focuses on assessing candidates' skills, knowledge, and fit for the role through a combination of interviews, assessments, and other evaluation methods. The company's primary concern is to ensure that new hires have the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience to perform their job duties effectively.

That being said, it's possible that certain roles or positions within PwC Nigeria may require a medical examination as a condition of employment, particularly if the job involves working with sensitive information, handling hazardous materials, or performing tasks that require physical stamina.

If you're interested in working with PwC Nigeria, I recommend checking their official website, job postings, or speaking with a recruiter to confirm the specific requirements for the role you're applying for.