Does obasanjo really formed new political party

You're referring to the recent news about Olusegun Obasanjo, the former President of Nigeria, allegedly forming a new political party!

As of my knowledge cutoff, there have been reports and speculations about Obasanjo's plans to form a new political party, but it's essential to verify the accuracy of these claims.

According to recent news articles and sources, Obasanjo has indeed announced his intention to form a new political party, which he claims will be a "third force" in Nigerian politics. He has been critical of the current political landscape in Nigeria, citing corruption, insecurity, and poor governance as major issues.

However, it's worth noting that Obasanjo's plans to form a new party are still in the early stages, and the party's structure, leadership, and manifesto are yet to be officially announced.

Some sources suggest that Obasanjo's new party might be a merger of existing parties or a coalition of like-minded individuals who share his vision for a better Nigeria. Others speculate that the party might be a rebranding of his previous party, the African Democratic Congress (ADC).

While we wait for more concrete information, it's essential to remain cautious and not jump to conclusions. The Nigerian political landscape is complex, and any new development can have significant implications for the country's politics and governance.

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