Does norway give passport to a new born baby

In Norway, the rules regarding citizenship and passports for newborn babies are as follows:

  1. Citizenship: A child born in Norway to a Norwegian parent (mother or father) automatically acquires Norwegian citizenship at birth. This is known as "jus sanguinis" or "right of blood".
  2. Passport: A Norwegian passport is not automatically issued to a newborn baby. Instead, the child is issued a "fødselsattest" (birth certificate) which serves as proof of citizenship and identity.
  3. Application for a passport: If you want to apply for a passport for your newborn baby, you can do so when the child is at least 3 months old. You will need to provide the following documents:
    • The child's birth certificate (fødselsattest)
    • A valid ID document for yourself (e.g., a Norwegian passport or ID card)
    • Proof of address in Norway (e.g., a utility bill or rental agreement)

You can submit the application at a local police station (politistasjon) or a passport office (passasjerkontoret). The application process typically takes a few weeks to complete.

It's worth noting that if you are a non-Norwegian citizen living in Norway, your child may also be eligible for Norwegian citizenship and a passport. However, the rules and requirements for this are more complex and may involve a longer process.