Does news stand for notable events weather and sports

A clever question!

While "news" can indeed refer to notable events, weather, and sports, it's not a direct acronym for those three things.

The word "news" comes from the Old English word "nōwes," which means "tidings" or "information." In modern English, news typically refers to reports of current events, including:

  1. Notable events: significant happenings, such as politics, disasters, or major announcements.
  2. Weather: updates on current and forecasted weather conditions.
  3. Sports: scores, results, and updates on various sports and athletic events.

However, "news" is not an acronym that specifically stands for these three categories. Instead, it's a broad term that encompasses a wide range of information that's considered important, interesting, or relevant to the public.

So, while news can include weather and sports, it's not a direct acronym for those specific topics.