Does new zealand have snakes

No, New Zealand does not have any native species of snakes. In fact, New Zealand is one of the few countries in the world where there are no native species of snakes.

This is due to the country's geological history and isolation. New Zealand was separated from other landmasses millions of years ago, and as a result, many species that are found on other continents did not evolve or migrate to the country.

However, there have been a few instances where non-native snakes have been introduced to New Zealand, either intentionally or unintentionally. For example, a few species of snakes, such as the brown snake and the tiger snake, have been introduced to the country through human activity, such as the pet trade or accidental transportation on ships.

But these non-native snakes are not established in the wild and are not considered a significant threat to the country's ecosystem. In fact, the New Zealand government has strict regulations in place to prevent the introduction and spread of non-native species, including snakes.

So, if you're planning a trip to New Zealand, you don't have to worry about encountering snakes in the wild!