Does new line match s

In regular expressions, the \n character matches a newline character, while s is a special character that matches a whitespace character (including spaces, tabs, and newline characters).

So, in a regular expression, \n does not exactly match s. However, there are a few ways to make them match:

  1. Using the s flag: If you add the s flag to the end of your regular expression, it will make the . character (which matches any single character, including newline characters) match newline characters as well. For example: .*s will match any characters, including newline characters, followed by a whitespace character.
  2. Using a character class: You can use a character class to match newline characters and whitespace characters together. For example: [\s\n] will match any whitespace character or newline character.
  3. Using a negated character class: If you want to match any character that is not a newline character, you can use a negated character class: [^\\n].

Here are some examples to illustrate the differences: