Does new guy have right to ask about your ex

The age-old question!

In general, it's considered impolite and potentially hurtful to ask about someone's ex, especially if you're in a new relationship with that person. Here's why:

  1. Respect for boundaries: Your new partner may not be ready or willing to discuss their past relationships, and it's essential to respect their boundaries.
  2. Emotional sensitivity: Bringing up an ex can stir up emotions and create tension in the relationship. It's best to focus on building a positive connection with your partner rather than dwelling on their past.
  3. Lack of relevance: Unless there's a specific reason why you need to know about their ex (e.g., for your own protection or to understand their past), it's not necessary to ask.

That being said, there are some exceptions where it might be okay to ask about an ex:

  1. If it's relevant to the relationship: If you're in a serious relationship and you're considering moving in together, getting married, or having children, it might be helpful to know about your partner's past relationships to understand their values, expectations, and potential concerns.
  2. If your partner brings it up: If your partner initiates the conversation about their ex, it's usually okay to engage in a respectful and open discussion.

If you do decide to ask about an ex, make sure to:

  1. Be respectful: Avoid prying or being nosy. Remember that your partner's past is their own, and it's not your business unless they choose to share it with you.
  2. Listen actively: If your partner does choose to share information about their ex, listen attentively and try to understand their perspective.
  3. Keep the conversation balanced: Avoid dominating the conversation with questions about their ex. Make sure to share your own experiences and feelings as well.

Ultimately, whether or not to ask about an ex is a personal decision that depends on your relationship and communication style. If you're unsure, it's always a good idea to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns and boundaries.